A free ATS can be a great tool for a business starting out, but is it the right choice for your first applicant tracking system?

The case for a free ATS

When you’re ready to dip your toe in the world of recruitment software, you’ll be wary about where to start, and how much to invest – so seeing recruitment software that’s “free” might seem like love at first sight! After all, every hiring system is better than an excel spreadsheet and manual emails!

We designed JTGO for simple recruiting  – and whilst it isn’t a free recruiting system – we know that if you’re a small team, a full-blown applicant tracking system won’t suit your needs. If you’re a small care home or housing association, that level of complexity is likely to be too much too soon!


What do you need to consider with a free applicant tracking system?

Free isn’t always free

The free ATS market is chock-full of recruitment systems that claim to be “free,” but will conceal hidden costs, operating on a “freemium” model. Perhaps it’s free for one user, but certainly not for all! The same goes for advertising. You may find that advertising through a free ATS will be more expensive!

JTGO has been designed to have an affordable price – and it’s an all-in-one package that gives you exactly what you need!

Limited cost = limited features

Not all applicant tracking systems are created equal. Make sure you’re not signing up for a glorified spreadsheet or job board! Does it offer CV Parsing? Does it allow you to advertise on job boards? Is there robust reporting functionality that will help your business grow, and your recruitment funnel grow with it?

As part of your agreement with some free ATS suppliers, they will own the data which your system processes. Make sure you have full ownership of the information you collate and action.

Is there ATS support?

JTGO comes with full UK support for small businesses. We have a robust knowledge hub for our users, and a help desk to assist you and your candidates.

Be sure to check if your ATS provider offers support if anything goes wrong. You don’t want to be left blowing in the wind if a user or candidate locks themselves out of their account! Do you require DBS Checking? Make sure your ATS supports this functionality and helps you with your integration. JTGO offers this integration so you can be secure in your checks!

Are there hidden costs?

JTGO has no hidden costs. Don’t make a commitment only to realise later you haven’t got what you thought you had! We recommend drawing up an internal plan of features you need and features you want so you can make the right comparisons.

Check if there’s extra costs for:

  • Candidates the ATS can process
  • E-mails and texts you can send out
  • Application forms you can customize and configure
  • E-mail templates you can edit and update
  • Reporting functionality

Some free recruitment systems will have a limit on the amount of candidates you can process – meaning you might get some great candidates reaching out to you, but your ATS can’t support their application!

If there’s something you’re unsure of, reach out to the provider which interests you!

Does it represent your company culture?

JTGO comes with a careers site and candidate platform that you can configure to represent your colourways, logos, and make the most of the candidate experience.

We operate as a silent partner – there are no watermarks on any of the communications you send out to candidates. This is extremely important for how you attract candidates, and how connected they feel to your organisation from application right through to their first day!

See our system and pricing in action

Affordable recruitment software

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